• TechSparks Tip Jar

    Your donations will go towards making it possible for us to keep serving the community.

  • Why Do We Have a Tip Jar?

    TechSparks is business, but it is also a community. Many times, we come across entrepreneurs who are going through financial struggles and need advice. These are not consulting opportunities for us, and don't generate any revenue. However, we'd like to continue supporting the entrepreneurial community in this way and not turn away people who need advice based on their ability to pay.


    As such, we've created a tip jar to allow those entrepreneurs to pay what they can, when they can.

    Where Does the Money Go?

    TechSparks is a network of for-profit businesses. We are not a non-profit. However, the funds generated through this tip jar go towards helping to cover the overhead of our network activities such as events, educational content, community-building, etc.