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Newsletter 2/27/20: Pay It Forward 🎁 (Volunteer Opp)

By Jennifer Chang

February 28, 2020

I'm a big believer in paying it forward. I feel I've been really fortunate to have met great professional mentors throughout my career, and one of the ways I pay this blessing forward is through my volunteer work with the Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE).

NFTE is a non-profit organization that develops entrepreneurship programs in under-resourced communities. The students get access to year-round entrepreneurship curriculum, which teach middle and high school students business skills to prepare them for the real world. As part of the curriculum, NFTE hosts an annual business plan competition, which starts at classroom levels and culminates in a national competition. NFTE is currently seeking local business executives and entrepreneurs to help students prepare for the competition. It's a great opportunity to pay it forward in gratitude to the great mentors you've had in your life.
If you're interested in volunteering with NFTE, please click here.
Best regards,
Jennifer Chang
Managing Partner, TechSparks